Guest Post: Sundari Venkatraman

This is my first guest post and am very lucky that my guest is Sundari Venkatraman, the author of three bestsellers, Double Jeopardy, The Malhotra Bride and Meghna.sundarivenkatraman

I asked Sundari: “How do you create such lovely, life-like characters – those we can relate to?”

She answered:

“First of all, thank you very much for saying that. I am so glad you are able to relate to my characters.

I visualise my characters a lot before I create them in words. I see them walk, talk, dress, check them out in different moods and more. I see them interact with one another. I logically think of how a person would react in a particular situation.

For example in Meghna, given the same circumstances, Rahul might be amused while Meghna will lose her temper. That’s because the hero has a powerful sense of humour while the heroine is predominantly fiery. Creating scenes around their characteristics make them more relatable.

I make a loose plot, draw up the characters in my mind and let go of them – to do what they want. I see them in action in my mind like a movie and write what I see. Then I read what I have written down and tweak where necessary.”

Thank you Sundari for being my guest.

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